Quiet please. We are rolling… green!

The Austrian Ecolabel for Green Producing is awarded to a film production if it saves resources and implements climate-friendly measures.


The Austrian Ecolabel for Green Producing has been in existence since 2017. Since then, a large number of productions have already received the award, including commercials and feature films as well as the TV series ‚SOKO Kitzbühel‚ produced by Gebhardt Productions GmbH in Tirol.

One part of the criteria refers to the production office itself and formulates requirements for environmentally friendly office management or internal and external communication measures regarding green producing. The other part of the criteria relates to the production to be certified and includes all relevant areas of a film or TV production: from lighting to set to make-up, from mobility to energy supply to catering and accommodation, everything is subjected to an examination to determine whether the criteria of the Austrian Eco-label are met.

In this way, Guideline UZ 76 – Green Producing covers all those relevant aspects of a film or TV production that need to be looked at more closely in the context of a broad environmental certification.

The Austrian Ecolabel is awarded on the basis of independently prepared expert reports by the Austrian Ministry for Climate Protection (BMK). The official certification body is the Association for Consumer Information (VKI). All information on how to apply can be found here.


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