Katrin Jud

Production Coordinator, Green Film Consultant

How did you get into film? What particularly attracted you to become part of this industry?

After studying comparative literature in Innsbruck, I originally did a lot of theater – founding, directing and producing a theater association and subsequently helping to shape cultural festivals and initiatives both artistically and organizationally. And as is often the case when creative people work together, I – equipped with a certain organizational talent – liked to get stuck with the planning tasks. This is where Wildruf Film, who were looking for a management assistant, found me. So the executive agendas were one of the first things I got to know about film. Over the years, small projects got bigger and I tried out several positions in film production (short formats) until I ended up coordinating the production of feature films for cinema/TV (and that was only because a production manager I really liked trusted me to do it).

I liked the subtle charm of the position: being at the central hub where you have a lot in view and can help shape plot structures, solve problems quickly and, as a production person, get caught up in the vibe of the project work. I have only experienced the variety of setting up a film project within a few weeks and then tearing it down again in a few days – and you have to like that. For me, film means adapting to a rapidly changing environment and you never stop learning. Recently, I was also lucky enough to be a participant in the LAFC Evergreen Prisma training to become a Green Film Consultant.

What distinguishes Tirol as a film region for you?

Obviously it’s the natural locations and suitable development/infrastructure that a film of a certain size unfortunately needs in order to be feasible. But I think that Tyrol is also relevant and interesting as a film location in terms of its efforts towards modern architecture and monument protection. It is also nice to see that there are more and more efforts to strengthen Tirol as a film location as a counterpart to Vienna in eastern Austria, but there is still a lot to do.

We are curious: Tell us your favourite location in Tirol!

Two come to mind straight away: One is Lake Hintersteiner See with the Wilder Kaiser behind it and the other is Hall’s old town in summer.

And now: The stage is yours! Please introduce yourselves and your field of activity.

My name is Katrin Jud and I am a production coordinator for feature films, production manager for commercial film productions and a certified Green Film Consultant since January 2024.

As a production coordinator, my work starts approx. 6-8 weeks before the start of shooting, depending on the size of the project and therefore the organizational lead time. I take care of the preparation of necessary labor law, funding and communication-relevant documents in the preparation and during the shooting period, take care of travel/transport/accommodation/catering for actresses and team members, create rehearsal plans (readings, dress rehearsals, make-up rehearsals) and daily schedules. My workplace is the production office, but I also go to the set from time to time. At the end of the shoot, all the documents go to the production office of the respective production company, which then handles the rest internally.

As a production manager for advertising films, I oversee projects from the concept/financing stage through to completion in post-production and acceptance by the client.

As a Green Film Consultant, I can make a difference, especially in the environmentally „difficult“ areas: transportation, accommodation, catering and equipment are classically the levers where a lot can and must be achieved!


Katrin Jud
Wallpachgasse 2
6060 Hall in Tirol

Mob.: +43 699 17 25 25 92 
Mail: katrin.jud@icloud.com