Tirol does it consciously
Rich in natural resources, Tirol is already demonstrating in many places how sustainability can work.
Tirol offers great, diverse and easily accessible film locations in a (high)alpine environment – mountains, glaciers, lakes, forests, but also impressive examples of traditional and modern architecture from mountain farms to castles and palaces to chalets and cable car stations. In addition to the four distinctive seasons, five accessible glaciers allow winter filming outside the winter season. These unique Tyrolean (natural) landscapes must also be protected by responsible handling during shooting.
In the film industry there are already a wide variety of sustainable approaches that can have an impact on the entire production chain. For example, the CO2 footprint can already be reduced through efficient waste management, the use of recyclable materials in stage construction or the purchase of regional food for film catering. Green Filming is therefore clearly more than just a trend. Environmental awareness and the need and urgency to reduce pollutant emissions are also leading to a long-term rethink in the film industry. Sky Germany, for example, is increasingly realising in-house produced series and shows according to green filming standards, the ZDF is promoting production companies that follow a sustainable approach. Some European film funding bodies, such as the Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg, subsidise the employment and associated costs of a so-called ‚green consultant‘ for a film production.
Cine Tirol has therefore been involved in the subject of green filming for several years, and we have been able to gain experience and knowledge through events and green trainings as well as through exchanges with colleagues in the film industry, in particular with our colleagues from the Lower Austrian Film Commission – LAFC. At the beginning of 2018, LAFC presented Austria’s first ‚Green Guide‘ with its extremely remarkable, exemplary and future-oriented initiative EVERGREEN. In addition to further training offers for professional film-makers to become Green Consultants and the transfer of knowledge for young professionals and film institutions, the Green Guide serves the film industry as a digital interface to the versatile and comprehensive sustainable knowledge spectrum.
In order to raise awareness of sustainable film-making in Tirol as well, Cine Tirol has been a member of the ‚Green Filming Austria‚ working group newly founded by the LAFC since 2020. Through this interregional cooperation, synergies are to be used in the best possible and targeted way.
GREEN FILMING TIROL aims to provide film-makers with the best possible information to enable them to realise their film projects in Tirol under sustainable aspects. For example, under the heading ‚Marketplace Tirol‚ you will find a list of Tyrolean companies that can be of service to a film production. The categories range from travel, transport & mobility, accommodation & hotels and food & catering to set design, costume design, make-up and production.
The main criteria for the listing of companies in this database are, above all, regionality, sustainable concepts in fields of innovation, waste, cleaning, energy and/or mobility, concerns with climate and nature protection, the use of environmentally friendly materials and equipment, sustainability and (inter)national certifications, such as the Austrian Eco-label.
Numerous Tyrolean filmmakers and film-specific companies have been able to demonstrate their talents in front of and behind the camera since Cine Tirol was founded in 1998. But especially in the context of sustainable film productions, the demand for companies and their diversity is increasing. For example, alternative lighting concepts, sustainable building materials, innovative waste disposal solutions or regional organic food play an important role in connection with Green Filming. For domestic companies in the film industry, there are thus clear opportunities and growth potential that need to be seized. And besides, it is certainly exciting for Tyrolean entrepreneurs to cooperate with the creative film industry in this way or to get a taste of film.
The Austrian Ecolabel for Green Producing issued by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology gives film producers the opportunity to have the production process of their film production awarded the Austrian Eco-label. The first film production to be awarded the Austrian Eco-Label „shot on location Tirol“ is the successful crime series „SOKO Kitzbühel„. Due to its many years of shooting experience in Kitzbühel and the surrounding area, the production company Gebhardt Productions has always worked closely with local companies and service providers. For example, only regional and organic food is used for film catering and second-hand products are used in the costume and props department.
Further links:
- Green Filming – Frequently Asked Questions
- Green Filming Austria
- Green Filming Tirol
- LAFC EVERGREEN – Green Guide
- Austrian Ecolabel for Green Producing